Mashtayeva Shamshagul was born in 1963 and has, PhD in Geographical Sciences in speciality 11.00.11-Environment and rational use of natural resources, 2000. Mashtayeva Sh. graduated from Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov in 1988 with a degree in "Hydrology of land". After graduating from the university, she worked at the Giprotyumenneftegaz Research Institute in the hydrology group of the engineering and construction survey department, Tyumen, Russia. From 1990 to 2003, she worked as a teacher and associate professor of the hydromelioration department of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University. From 2003 to 2004, she worked as a chief specialist of the Department of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan. From 2004 to 2023, she worked as an associate professor of the geography department of the ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, and from 2023, a senior lecturer at the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of KazNU named after them. Al-Farabi, Almaty. Mashtaeva Sh. actively participates in international scientific projects, and implemented scientific projects such as the "Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)" funded by the World Bank, 2019-2021, "Improved Modeling of Snowmelt Runoff and Flood Mitigation in Kazakhstan Using Physically Modeled Modeling and Remote Sensing Data" funded by the Newton-Al-Farabi Foundation, 2016-2018, "Operational Forecasting of Melt Water Runoff to Prevent Natural Disasters in Kazakhstan" funded by the Newton-Al-Farabi Foundation, 2016, "Snow Depth Based on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data in Kazakhstan" funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015-2016, "GEO Capacity Building Initiative in Central Asia" funded by the European Commission, 2010-2012. Mashtayeva Sh.I. regularly improves her professional level by participating in various well-known international programs such as the Junior Faculty Development Program, 2008 and Fulbright, funded by the US State Department, 2013, the Bolashak program, 2011.
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01/11/2023 |